
Guest Post: Adelyn Sterling and a Princely Playlist

January 28, 2019, Author: Kristin Jacques

Character Playlist: The Prince’s Guide to True Love’s Kiss By Adelyn Sterling When it comes to writing, music is a vital part of my brainstorming and drafting process. When I first start brainstorming and planning out a new novel, one of the first things I do is create a playlist of music that fits the […]


Release Day: Ragnarok Unwound

January 8, 2019, Author: Kristin Jacques

My first book baby of 2019 has been unleashed!! I have been a raging ball of anxiety and excitement all week. Today has been quite the thrill ride, and I am still riding this promo train into the sunset. I’ve been tweeting, posting, flossing, and book blasting since I rolled out of bed this morning […]


Minutes to Midnight: A Year in Review

January 1, 2019, Author: Kristin Jacques

Growing Pains This has been one hell of a year. Looking back on it all, 2018 very much felt like three years crammed into one. There were victories, set backs, hours upon hours of tedious work, deadline after deadline, sleepless nights, and more than one week of dozing off at 3 in the afternoon. I […]