
31 Days of Author Madness: Tammy Oja

March 6, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? Literally throwing thoughts directly on the screen and then sorting it out later. Sometimes the magic is in the slush and trying to filter ahead of time just stops the whole deal for me. I love excavating through it like panning for flecks of gold. 2. What […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Dave Heron

March 5, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

  The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I have to be in the mood. Trying to force myself to write if I am tired (two kids and a full-time job, energy is depleted most of the time), really is a terrible recipe for getting a story where I want it. When I sit […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Michelle Jo Quinn

March 4, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver 1. What is your writing process? I sit at the desk and hope for the best. 2. What inspires you to write? Everything and anything. You’ll never know what will spark the mind. 3. Writing is considered a dream job by many, but what if you were granted the opportunity for a true, […]


31 Days of Author Madness: J. M. Butler

March 3, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver 1. What is your writing process? My writing process varies a lot, but at a minimum it involves putting words into some sort of document. Sometimes I act out scenes before I draft them, other times I brew a nice cup of tea and curl up with a book that I love. Other […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Angela B.M. Guajardo

March 2, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver 1. What is your writing process? Oh, goodness. Brainstorm, write notes in tiny, scratchy handwriting that grows progressively smaller as ideas pop up faster and faster. Then there’s a point where I have to yell at one cat or another to stop chewing on the spiral binding, or stop trying to eat my […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Leigh W. Stuart

March 1, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver 1. What is your writing process? My process is currently up in the air, but I’ve always flirted with some form or other of outlining. Sometimes, I’ll jot a couple pages of notes, other times, I’ll fill half a notebook of chapter/scenes to do. No matter what, though, I always know the ending […]


31 Days of Author Madness: A Month Long Event

February 28, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

February was a quiet month, between sickness and catch up, I have not been blogging much but that does not mean I haven’t been busy. Oh no, my friend, oh no. Nothing says from zero to sixty like a month long event! That is why I am pleased to finally announce 31 Days of Author […]


What’s In A Year?

January 10, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

I have big writing plans for this year. Big, glorious plans. I always start the year with big plans and when December inevitably rolls around I look back on my year of plans and laugh and laugh and laugh before I roll in a sobbing ball for a few hours. I think most writers plan […]