With a heavy heart and heavier hand, I took Zombies vs Aliens off of Amazon this morning. This book has been on one hell of a journey but I don’t think the mammoth scene that is Amazon is the right place for Li and her band of oddities. Not sure it ever was. That being […]
My weekly posting goal went off the rails in October. October was a rough month. I didn’t let myself properly recover from a rather terrible summer, attempted to jump right in to a truckload of work, and floundered hard midway through the month. So I gave myself time to breathe. And when November rolled […]
Hey it’s technically still Tuesday. Bite me, I’ve had an unusually hectic Tuesday. This month is my Editing month and I am moving right along with edits for #projectMarrowCharm, but it should be noted with any prolonged project you take on, particularly an intensive one such as Editing or Sprinting you remember a […]
I have big writing plans for this year. Big, glorious plans. I always start the year with big plans and when December inevitably rolls around I look back on my year of plans and laugh and laugh and laugh before I roll in a sobbing ball for a few hours. I think most writers plan […]
The Year is Ending 2017 is rapidly winding down. (Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.) In the spirit of the approaching New Year, it is time to set impossibly lofty writing goals for myself that I can weep over when next December rolls around. This year, I totally […]