
Hello Blog, it’s been a while…

September 13, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

Life got away from me. Like it does.
Coming off the tail end of a rough summer, with the kids back in school I am slowly getting back on track with various projects that derailed over the last couple months.
First, a grandiose update of Author Life:
It’s been a wild year, with some absolute stunning successes. I have not one but two books set for release.

The first, Ragnarok Unwound, is set for January 8th, 2019 and yesterday the cover reveal dropped. Oh my stars. I am absolutely in love with this cover. And to celebrate this glorious art, I am hosting a giveaway for E-Arcs and one lucky winner will also get a $10 Amazon gift card. You can currently add it to your goodreads TBR and it is technically up on Net Galley with a few snafus we are working out.

Rafflecopter linky loo here 

Second big piece of news:

In case you didn’t hear me hollering this from the rafters, Marrow Charm (My baby!!) has found a home with Parliament House Press and is slated for Fall 2019.

I am in the middle of edits.

I am screaming internally most days.


My summer wasn’t a total wash. I managed a few small projects, continued tinkering with ongoing projects and followed a few plot bunnies. I have some structured plans for this (school) year I hope to follow. We shall see how long that train runs on the track.

  1. Monthly Writing themes- This month is Editing. Next month is Sequels. *waggles eyebrows*
  2. Blogging Initiative- Tune In Tuesdays.This is a personal goal to attempt to update every Tuesday with what I’m writing, what I’m reading, and what I’m listening to. Maybe a few other bits for good measure.
  3. Author interviews- I had a fantastic time doing my Author Madness but it was a lot of work. So maybe spread those out a bit. Expect more interviews coming your way in the futur
  4. You like numbers right? Well I’m out of stuff to list. I am not that ambitious and 3 is a lot. It’s a whole three things!

Anyway, enter the giveaway!!! Free stuff is fun stuff!

Speaking of Free Stuff, Zombies Vs Aliens interactive game has officially been out for six months now!