
Minutes to Midnight: A Year in Review

January 1, 2019, Author: Kristin Jacques

Growing Pains This has been one hell of a year. Looking back on it all, 2018 very much felt like three years crammed into one. There were victories, set backs, hours upon hours of tedious work, deadline after deadline, sleepless nights, and more than one week of dozing off at 3 in the afternoon. I […]


Tune In Tuesday #5: Under Pressure

December 4, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

  My weekly posting goal went off the rails in October. October was a rough month. I didn’t let myself properly recover from a rather terrible summer, attempted to jump right in to a truckload of work, and floundered hard midway through the month. So I gave myself time to breathe. And when November rolled […]


Tune-In Tuesday #3: Sequel Slumpage

October 2, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

October is Sequels Month!! If you are one of my readers you know why this is exciting. I have *three* sequels set up to tackle. This is an unset number but I hope to make significant progress with two of them as they are already partly penned and plotted. Two. Partly. Penned. Sequels. Ah, the […]


Hello Blog, it’s been a while…

September 13, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

Life got away from me. Like it does. Coming off the tail end of a rough summer, with the kids back in school I am slowly getting back on track with various projects that derailed over the last couple months. First, a grandiose update of Author Life: THINGS. ARE. HAPPENING. It’s been a wild year, […]


A big fat update

May 19, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

Now, here I went and managed to post every day for the month of March and then go radio silent as all the stuff hits at once. I had every intention of doing an occasional detailed post about all the neat stuff happening right now but I’ve been burning the reserve midnight oil and some […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Lucy Rhodes

March 31, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? Process? Ha. More like chaos and procrastination, fueled by crippling self-doubt. In their essences, I know the stories I want to tell and the characters I want you to get to know, but getting those things down? Chaos. Procrastination. Crippling self-doubt. I do actually plan my stories […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Tiffany Daune

March 30, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? Brainstorm, vision board, outline, and write! 2. What inspires you to write? I try and grab any of the weird ideas floating in my head. If I can get enough for an outline, then that’s the story I’ll write. 3. Writing is considered a dream job by […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Gabriela Cabezut

March 29, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I usually come up with an idea and play with it on my mind for several weeks, months even, before I start to plan how the story could evolve. However, once I have an idea, I need to explore it with images and music, and I try […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Shaun Allan

March 28, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I sit and I stare at the screen and I look at the TV and I realise an hour has gone by and I stare at the screen some more and I write some words and then delete them and think I’ve been writing for an hour, […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Stacey L. Polishook

March 27, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I have a writing process that is a bit unique. I tend to be inspired by a question or a character. I actually write scenes out of order and discover the story through writing these scenes. As I come to know my cast of characters and their […]