
31 Days of Author Madness: Debra Goelz

March 21, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I have gone into detail about my writing process in my description of how I wrote the story Red Snow. Essentially I am a believer in “Save the Cat.” So I begin with a theme. Usually something emotionally important to me. Then figure out which characters could […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Owain Glyn

March 20, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I tend to get the germ of an idea. I handwrite my thoughts and put it to one side for a few days. I then reread, if it continues to make sense I will develop it. I do not put it onto publish until I am completely […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Trinity Hanrahan

March 19, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? Well, it generally starts with an inspiration from a song, show, movie or picture. Then I plot, plot, plot, outline, research, plot, outline, research, tag all info. At that point, I then procrastinate, writer’s block and occasionally write for the next year or so. Then, when my […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Morgan Rider

March 18, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? When I am plotting, I need to walk. When I get the story plotted, I break it down into chapters and plot each chapter individually. Then I write the rough draft following my chapter plots. When the draft is done, I revise. When the revision is done, […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Amber K. Bryant

March 17, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? Put words on a page. Force them to make sense. Revise everything, from text messages to novels, a gazillion times before letting anyone else see them. Try not to be consumed with self-doubt. I have trouble plotting in too great of detail so bare bones usually does […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Matthew Thrush

March 16, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I used to think of an idea and daydream about it for a few hours or several days before writing. I write from passion and inspiration. However, writing like this can leave burn you out or sidetrack you along the way if you’re not careful. Since I […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Lavinia Leigh

March 15, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I like to live with a story before I actually start writing it, slowly getting to know the characters. From there, I try to write out the rough draft without worrying too much about anything other than getting the words down. It’s the editing after when I […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Robyn Marie

March 14, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? Unruly, haha. Mostly it’s about inception. I like to think of an idea and then sit on it for awhile, waiting. Yes, procrastination is my middle name, but in this case, it’s helpful. As I stew, I like to watch movies/TV, read non-fiction books, peruse the internet, […]


31 Days of Author Madness: M. Dalto

March 13, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? I don’t know if I actually have a process when it comes to writing. I don’t outline my stories, and plan very little once an idea comes to me. Only once I start writing a story do I then consider where I want it go- it’s backwards […]


31 Days of Author Madness: Michael Estrin

March 12, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

The Fiver: 1. What is your writing process? It starts with a lot of yelling. This is due to my difficult relationship with computers. Why does anyone think computers will replace / annihilate humans when they can’t even print a simple document without three bajillion hiccups? OK, that’s not the real process, but it is […]