Blog Hop/ Giveaway

Spring 2020- An Update!

May 19, 2020, Author: Kristin Jacques

It’s been a while since I managed to update the bloggo. The Covid pandemic has created some strange times. It’s odd here, because things have drastically changed while remaining the same? My hubs still goes to work every day at the post office, but the kiddos are home so the drag and drain on time […]


Minutes to Midnight: A Year in Review

January 1, 2019, Author: Kristin Jacques

Growing Pains This has been one hell of a year. Looking back on it all, 2018 very much felt like three years crammed into one. There were victories, set backs, hours upon hours of tedious work, deadline after deadline, sleepless nights, and more than one week of dozing off at 3 in the afternoon. I […]


Tune- In Tuesday #4: Busy, Balance, Breathe

October 10, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

My ‘Tune In Tuesday’ is slowly morphing into ‘Wiped Out Wednesday’ Life is running at a pace of 3 B’s right now, well mostly the first time, a push and pull between Busy and Balance. I have been at a high rate of Busy due to projects coming to fruition all at once, the necessity […]


Tune-In Tuesday #3: Sequel Slumpage

October 2, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

October is Sequels Month!! If you are one of my readers you know why this is exciting. I have *three* sequels set up to tackle. This is an unset number but I hope to make significant progress with two of them as they are already partly penned and plotted. Two. Partly. Penned. Sequels. Ah, the […]


February Blues

February 14, 2018, Author: Kristin Jacques

This month started with such promise ….   Until I became a flu-ridden, wheezing, clammy mouth breather.   Welcome to the wonders of Winter, where your children are walking petri dishes and life likes to taken sudden unexpected pivots into waiting ditches. I’ve spent the last solid week and a half laid under hard, first […]